Embroidered Shirt 2.5 Yards
Embroidered Patti for Sleeves and Border 5 Yards
Embroidered Shirt Corners 4 Pcs
Embroidered Motifs for Sleeves and Back 3 Pcs
Jacquard Weaved Dupatta 2.6 Yards
Plain Cambric Trouser 2.15 Yards
Afrozeh, Elaf Handmade, Mushq Formals are available now...!
Embroidered Shirt 2.5 Yards
Embroidered Patti for Sleeves and Border 5 Yards
Embroidered Shirt Corners 4 Pcs
Embroidered Motifs for Sleeves and Back 3 Pcs
Jacquard Weaved Dupatta 2.6 Yards
Plain Cambric Trouser 2.15 Yards
Maximum products to compare. Limit is 3!